The season of Survivor: Gabon is over - and, even though I owe Sis some money I can't be happier with the outcome! I so very much wanted Bob to win. He was great from day one, and from what we were shown, and no matter what Whiny - um, I mean Kenny - says, I don't think he went back on his word. How can Kenny NOT see the hypocrisy in expecting Bob to give him the idol so that Kenny can have Bob voted out, but claiming that BOB went back on his word? And Corrine - what a witch she is.
Due to a bit of a late start and traffic, we got to CBS about an hour later than I had wanted to. In fact, we were half an hour late meeting Sis and Rafe at the restaurant. However, the food was fantastic, the waiter was great and I think everyone had fun. We then went back to CBS. Since the turnstile to the Farmers' Market is a one-way (anyone can go from CBS to the market, but you have to have an employee badge to get back to CBS) my son "badged" us all through while FM went and got the e-z go cart. We were then driven over to the check-in area. Checked in, got our wristbands and went to the "holding area" until it was time to enter the studio.
Our seats were pretty good; best we've had so far. The show started late because of the televised football game, so we were treated to some of the Ponderosa footage. The show, of course, was fantastic. Afterwards, we were standing outside talking, while waiting for FM. (He wanted us to wait because he was going to try and get us a souvenir). Sis was over by the press tent, peeking in at all the contestants. So, we're standing there behind a black Prius when a couple of people walk over to the car and go to the driver's side. Yep, you guessed it -- it was Jeff Probst! I said, "Oh, sorry - looks like we have you blocked in." (Don't know where
that came from, I'm usually a lot more shy than that) and he said "Oh, no, you're ok. You're fine." I actually had a "conversation" with JP!
So, after all the rental stuff was taken out of the studio, FM was able to grab a handful of smaller props; we were each able to get something. The Kids didn't want anything, so Sis/Rafe took a large basket (she's going to fill it with fiber and yarn, if she hasn't already). LM and MM each got a bowl/pot, and I got what looks like a plant stand. (see the picture). Not sure if I'll put anything on it or not - maybe Mr Piggy...

All in all, it was a fantastic afternoon/evening/night and we didn't get home until about 10:30. And my butt was dragging all day at work.