Saturday, April 19, 2008


If a picture says a thousand words, then this must say it all! I finally finished the red scarf. And it isn't like the scarf itself was complicated, or time consuming. I was just very good at procrastinating on this one (well, on most of my knitting projects). It is just your basic "knit knit knit" scarf, 23 stitches wide. Part of the problem (a very small part) is that the little fringie things in the yarn would get caught on the needles. But they sure make for a nice, squooshy scarf!

The main problem is that I got too wrapped up in my reading and tv and didn't spend enough time with the needles. So, here is the scarf in all it's glory. And now, I just need to get it packaged up, addressed, and to the post office so it can arrive at it's final destination! (and don't you just love the fancy display rack?)

At least I was able to organize most of my needles earlier today, while looking for the size 10s. I wonder if The Girl has them? I know she has a few pair of needles of mine.

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