Friday, April 4, 2008

Got a nice compliment at work today. Took my time card to Ms Supervisor for her signature, and asked "Could I get your autograph, please?" She said, "Sure. I'm just glad you're still here for me to sign a time card for you." I agreed that I, too, was glad I'm still working there! I was also asked by Val to meet her next Thursday for the Upland Street Fair after work. Yes, I know it's Survivor night and I'll be home in time for that! It's nice to know that she feels we are friends, too...

Had another "group lunch" today - taco day! We had "real" tortillas (not the store-bought kind), REAL refried beans, and homemade Spanish rice. Quite yummy! I was good, and only ate 2 tacos (and a little extra meat/rice/cheese on the plate). Of course, now I want more tacos. Instead, I'm having a piece of fried chicken and some corn.

Talked to Dad for a while this evening. He and J are leaving on Sunday for a couple of days in Las Vegas. I know they'll have a good time, but I worry about him driving that far.

Am going to try and finish the scarf this weekend so I can sent it off on Monday. That is my goal. We'll see on Sunday evening if it was an obtainable goal or just a dream... :-)


Susan T-O said...

Would that be the scarf you were going to finish on Thursday?

SR5Rfan said...
