Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Just a Short Update

since it's been so long ....

I'm in my new place, and it is starting to take shape as "home". I've got some pictures up, but not all since I"m not positive about furniture placements staying as they are. My Direct TV and DSL should be hooked up and running by the middle of next week. Still sorting through books and stuff at the house, although I'm doing it slowly. Just don't want to give up any of the books, although I've been saying for quite some time that I need to weed out some of the ones I know I won't re-read.

Duh was over tonight; we had pizza and salad and watched the first round of auditions for this season of "American Idol". Had a nice visit, and made fun of some of the singers.

Job interview in the morning, so I'm going to sleep now. Will try to update again soon, but since I'm "dependent on the kindness of strangers" for my internet right now, we'll see how it goes.

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