Monday, April 21, 2008

Home from work, via a stop off at Target and McDonald's. I had all the best intentions of having a Lean Cuisine for dinner tonight, but had a sudden urge for a Big Mac. Which is odd, because I don't generally get burgers at McDonald's, I generally get the Filet-o-Fish sammidge.

Got an interesting email from my dad today; J's great-granddaughter is going to be doing a walk for Diabetes, and they put together a video for YouTube.
It's very nicely done, although I never imagined I'd see my daddy on YouTube! It isn't a very big picture, and he's part of a large group, but there he is, right next to J!

Also received a picture mail from my BIL, Rafe. He and Sis are off on their trip to the Grand Canyon, and they saw this truck with a cool company logo ... I'm sure Sis will post it on her blog, too, but hopefully they don't have wireless access and I posted first. Heehee!

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