Monday, March 17, 2008

So, I have once again been very lax about posting. Guess I just haven't felt like writing. My Survivor team is doing awful (they've lost 4 challenges in a row, so I've added $2.00 to what I'm going to end up paying Sis). Work is about the same, and looks like it will be ending in 2 weeks.

I've been warned to avoid SK's daughter, because she has made it her mission in life to color my hair. She has decided that I would look gorgeous with "rich brown" hair. However, I'd still have the same old face so I don't think she's right. And, it is starting to sound tempting. I know, I know ... I'm the one who says that the white in my hair doesn't bother me. And it really doesn't. However, it's the "non-white" hair that I'd like colored. It's gone from the nice auburn it used to be to a drab greyish-brown. I've had a lot of people tell me I don't look my age, so if I changed the hair color maybe it would boost my ego a bit. Goodness knows I could use an ego boost every now and then.

The wedding is getting closer and closer and I still don't have a dress. VT at work is giving me a hard time about that, and I know she's right. I'm going to make it my goal to find something by Sunday. Well, by Saturday. I'm spending Easter with the in-laws.

Well, can't think of anything else new right now, maybe something will occur to me later.


Anonymous said...

You would think, with Ozzie on your team, that they would be whuppin' butt.

Anonymous said...

Huh. Guess you did say you were going to the in-laws.
