Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Good news! Ms Manager called me in to her office this afternoon to let me know that the "project" has been extended until June 30th, and they would like me to continue working with them until that time! Yay! I don't know that all of the temps are being asked to stay; she specifically requested that I not say anything. I *think* LP will be asked to stay, too, because Ms Manager asked her to stop by the office in the morning. I'll keep my fingers crossed for her (she's my favorite temp, besides myself). And I'm sure at least 2 of the permanent employees will be glad that I'm staying ... yay for me!

I decided on the way home from work today that my new choice on Survivor is going to be Parvati. No particular reason, just that her name was the first that popped into my head when I realized (again) that I'm running out of time to make a decision. I sent Sis a text message to let her know; but, it is here, in writing, in case she doesn't get the text. Of course, I could always change this post if she gets voted off ... I'd better send her an email, too, just so she knows I'm being honest. Heehee!

Mmmm, one of my neighbors is cooking something that smells yummy. Something barbecued, I think. Ribs? Wonder what it is and if I can steal it!

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