Thursday, April 24, 2008

Oooh, tonight is the Survivor auction - and there's a twist. They can't combine money or share purchases. Cirie just spent $120 for a hot dog and fries. Eric just bid $80 and got a huge tray of nachos (wonder if The Girl is watching??) He actually won octopus but was able to trade before the lid was removed. Natalie bought fruit bat soup and declined it so Jeff gave it to James. A PB&J just sold for $280! I love this "challenge"! Natalie got a bottle for $240 with a note - she gets to send someone to Exile Island and take their money. There's a new immunity idol hidden! She's sending Jason, he's bummed. $380 just bought Natalie a huge chocolate cake (with Jason's money!!) She also got a note .. she has to share with 3 tribemates and eat as much as they can in 60 seconds. How gross to watch. What a waste of good chocolate cake. Jason paid Cirie $40 to be allowed to lick her hands. And the auction is over. I don't think Parvati was able to buy anything; does that mean she "lost" the challenge and I have to put in $.75? I'll have to check with Sis...

Hm, Natalie is ticked that Jason has 2 days on Exile to look for the immunity idol - but she's the one that sent him there! And she keeps calling him a little b**ch. And the idol has been found. Seems to me they aren't hiding the idols very well this time around!

Parvati didn't make it past the first round in the immunity challenge. Eric won, so both Sis and I owe $.75 for the night. I'm going to have to take some time (maybe this weekend) and go back through my posts to see who owes what, dollar-wise. And the Survivor heading to the jury (and the Ponderosa) tonight is .... 1 vote Parvati, 3 votes James - and gone is Jason, with 4 votes and a non-use of the immunity idol.

And the look on Ozzy's face when James mentioned that Parv is the one who turned on him last week: priceless!

Next week - another immunity idol is available, and they get the family member visit.

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