Sunday, April 13, 2008

Pretty good Sunday

Ralph had his D & D game today, so I made good my escape. Went to the bookstore where I got an audiodisk about history, and a hardback called "Tell Me Where it Hurts" which is anecdotes from a vet, similar to the "All Creatures Great & Small" series. Don't know why I'm buying another book when I still have one unread and am halfway through another, but there you go.

From the I headed to the yarn store, where I picked up a gift for the daughter of Ralph's Buddy. I got her a "how to knit" book designed for kids, a ball of neon-green yarn, a set of size 9 bamboo needles & a little sheep tape measure. Ralph's Buddy had said she wanted desperately to learn so I thought this would be a good start. Too bad she lives in Las Vegas or I'd offer to teach her myself. Always willing to spread the knitting disease, um, I mean hobby. When I got home I showed the Buddy how to cast on & do a knit stitch, so he can help her learn from the written instructions.

By the time I finished up at the yarn store, it was nearly one. I thought about going to Big Sis's as Dad & Dad's Girlfriend were going there for lunch, but I had really planned on going to the Pet Expo & darn it, I swallowed my guilt & went. Sorry, Sis, very antisocial of me I know. It was HOT HOT HOT outside (97 when I checked the temp on the way home) so I only stayed about an hour. Wish I had remembered to bring the camera, though. There were a lot of really attractive animals, and I enjoyed watching the "splash dogs" (check out their website,

After getting home I ate some of the pizza & chips Ralph had ordered for the game, then read for a couple hours. The guys went home around 6:00 & it's finally cool and quiet in the house. Ralph & His Buddy are off to rent a movie, and I will most likely head back to the bedroom for more reading in a few minutes. I know this is a dull post and doesn't sound like a very interesting day, but I had a very nice time.


SR5Rfan said...

First off, she posted to the wrong blog. Then, she has a typo in the beginning of the second paragraph. Just wasn't her day for blogging!

And she shouldn't feel guilty, since she had planned on the pet expo before the whole lunch thing was mentioned.

Susan T-O said...

Yeah--I realized I had posted to the wrong blog when I saw the typo, went to click edit, and there was no edit icon :-P Took a closer look, and oh man, what a maroon!