Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I hate to say it, but I think David A outsang David C tonight. I still don't want him to win, I think David C is the better singer and the better showman. I've tried calling in to vote a few times (yes, I finally broke down and tried to vote) but the line has been busy each time I've tried. So, hopefully that's a good sign ... but I'm sure I'd get a busy signal if I tried David A's phone numbers, too. Well, it's all in the hands of the callers and hopefully they'll read my blog and vote for David C. Heehee!

I also wanted to apologize to the guy I cut off this morning. I know he won't read my blog, but just for the record: I thought he was in a left turn lane. Really. At least neither of us was driving quickly, because we had been stopped at red lights. There, I feel better now.

10:06 pm 5/21 Updated to correct silly typo that Sis caught. Hey - ten-o-six!


Susan T-O said...

We were had been stopped, huh?

SR5Rfan said...

Ya know, I saw that just before I clicked on your comment. Yes. We were had been stopped. I stand by my comment. Well, I sit by my laptop, anyway. I'm fixing it now.