Thursday, May 15, 2008

Weird Dream

When I dream, they are usually weird ones that I forget soon after waking up. This morning, I was dreaming that I was in a play - a musical, no less. Not a starring role, but I had some solo parts in a couple of the songs. Well, before time for the play to start, I was sitting with Duh's aunt, who was very ill. She said she was feeling better, and left. I went backstage to get ready for the show which had already started. Had an attack of stage fright (gee, wonder why!!!) and couldn't even walk to the dressing room. Ended up talking to Younger Bro, who was also suffering from stage fright even though he wasn't in the performance. And as soon as the "understudy" went on in my place, I was fine and ate a steak dinner.

Told you it was weird ....

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