So, I decided to watch another of the movies that I bought a while ago, "Sense and Sensibilities". Imagine my pleasure to find out that Alan Rickman is in it! Well, the movie is going along quite well for almost an hour (55 minutes, to be precise) when it freezes up. Darn it. So I ended task, took out the dvd and reinstalled it, fast forwarded to about the same point, and it froze up. Did it again, using a different media player (the first was RealPlayer, the second was HP Quickplay) and it froze up - again - in the same spot. So now I get to return the movie for a replacement. In the meantime, I don't get to finish the movie. And I really hope it is the movie that is defective, and not something going wrong with my computer.
Was a little disappointed with the one I watched yesterday, too ... "The Notebook". Was really enjoying the movie until where I thought it ended. It should have ended there. It didn't, though, but continued on in a manner I didn't like. I won't go into detail just in case someone other than Sis reads this, and is planning on seeing the movie (or reading the book) at some point. I told Sis about it at brunch today, anyway.
So, now I'm watching America's Funniest Home Videos (which usually aren't very funny) and waiting for Extreme Makeover to start. What a disappointing ending to my day, though! Oh - that video wasn't bad -- a little boy taking a bubble bath was joined by his Great Dane!
Ha - I knew Sis was going to post that picture! Check out her blog (unless you are Sis, of course) - see the link to the right. Needles and Spins.
New blog
8 years ago
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