Thursday, July 3, 2008


Had one of the court shows on this morning. Plaintiff was suing for $5000. Defendant was counter-suing for $5000. It seems as though the defendant had stuff in a storage unit, which he couldn't pay for. The storage company sold the belongings. Plaintiff bought the bbq/smoker. Opened it up, and discovered a foot. Yep, a foot. Apparently, the defendant had been in a plane crash a few years previously which resulted in the amputation of his left leg at about mid-shin. He was keeping the limb in order to be "cremated whole" when his time came. Don't know why it was being stored in the smoker (he never really cleared that part up), and somehow the defendant ended up getting the foot back.

Seems the plaintiff was suing because he was out money. Yep, he was planning on charging people to come and see the "foot in the smoker". Had t-shirts printed and everything. The defendant was suing because he was being hounded by the press. Didn't seem too upset by the whole thing, he was laughing and making jokes the whole time.

Judge ended up awarding P his $5000 and D got nothing on his counter-claim. The judge did decide, however, that the defendant would be allowed to keep his foot. (Yes, you got it - the plaintiff wanted it back.)

1 comment:

Susan T-O said...

And people wonder why I don't watch more TV. . .