Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Let's see - what new and exciting things happened today. I found out we aren't having El Pollo Loco for lunch tomorrow after all; they are getting sammidges from a sammidge shop (good place to get them, I'd say). I'm going to have a Philly chiggen and cheese - similar to a Cheesesteak, I think, but with chiggen instead of steak. And I'm sure you could have figured all that out on your own, but it makes my blog post a little longer.

Misread one of the invoices today - don't know why, but when I saw part number "332PPINATRL I read it as 332 Pineapple Trail.

Stopped for an interview at the company that VT's daughter works for; I wasn't really impressed with the building or the interviewers. They didn't even go into detail about what the job would be. Hate to say it, but I hope they don't offer it to me because I wouldn't want to tell VT that I turned it down. Hopefully, I can get an offer for a permanent position where I am now. I called and talked to one of the guys at the agency to see if they had heard any rumblings about a permanent spot, but the guy I talked to hadn't. He said he'd try calling J, the "big boss", and put out feelers. Should hear back from the agency in a couple of days, I'd guess. Wonder what they pay - I know what they are paying the agency (saw the invoice while filing the other day) so I figure I should ask for something between what they are paying the agency and what the agency is paying me.

Anyway, that's about it. I'm adding a link to the new blog that The Boy is testing.

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