Thursday, October 16, 2008

Coffee Fail

At work, we send and receive overnight mail bags between our office and all the branch offices. Some are sent daily and some are sent once or twice a week. We've been having problems with delivery between our office and the one in Denver. Well, in the mail bag we received today, they sent us what appears to be a cup of coffee. Unfortunately, it wasn't in a cup - the papers were soaked with it. Also unfortunately, the papers were still slightly damp. Made processing the invoices a joy, let me tell ya ....

Took Henry in for a wash on the way home (he was so filthy, I couldn't stand it any more) and then treated myself to a pedicure. Sure felt good! My toenails are now kind of an orangy color in honor of Halloween. And, speaking of Halloween - for someone who never does anything or goes anywhere, I have plans for Halloween. Actually, I'm supposed to be in two different places on Halloween. And no, they aren't close enough together to manage both. I have a choice of: 1) helping Sis and Ralph with the haunted house; 2) celebrating Duh's birthday at the bar; or 3) lying to both and staying home by myself. Of course, I can't do that because Sis reads this and she'd know I was lying. Darn Sis and her expectations of honesty! I kinda feel like I should go to Duh's party, but I had already made a semi-commitment to Sis. And I'm not one for the bars - especially since this is the same bar that FM goes to once in a while and I think it would be awkward (at least for me) if he were there. Plus, I'm going to be with Duh this weekend (helping with a dance festival) and she says that I am joining them at the harvest festival or whatever it is in November. So - a haunting I will go! Wonder if Sis has a costume and/or idea for me?

I was craving chocolate cake this afternoon and had almost convinced myself to stop at a Black Angus on the way home ... and then an announcement came over the intercom system: "In honor of Bosses' Day, there is cake in the break room!" What a glorious announcement. It wasn't chocolate, but it was yummy. White cake with stromberry filling and buttercream icing. I still want the chocolate cake from Black Angus, but it satisfied the sweet craving long enough to get me home.

Tonight is SURVIVOR and I really hope the Fang tribe doesn't suck too badly. I'm pretty sure they'll suck, but hopefully not as badly as last week. I mean, let's put some effort into those challenges!

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