Sunday, October 12, 2008

Knittering and Crafty Fair

Yesterday was knitting and a craft fair with The Girl and Sis. Started out by meeting The Kids for breakfast at Tommy's and then met Sis at Starbucks. Netta joing us, also - she was actually the one that initiated the knitting "group". Spent a couple of hours there and worked on the little blanket for the Snuggles project. Still not sure if I should continue it as it is (since it is a bit smaller than they recommend) or if I should frog the thing and start over. Don't really want to do that, and I figure this baby blanket would be fine for a chihuahua or other tiny dog. And, if they don't like it (the Project people) they don't have to use it.

Sis is knitting a really cool pair of wrist warmers (kinda like gloves, but they leave the hand free with just a loop that goes over the thumb to hold the warmers in place). She also has a little duck that she was doing the sewing up and stuffing process on. The Girl is knitting a really nice scarf - cabled!! Don't know what Netta was working on - but it was on circular needles.

After a bit of knitting, the three of us drove over to the Fairplex for the Sugarplum Craft Fair. Was a bit upset to discover the cost of parking has gone up $2 since last time I was there - and it was already too much at $10 per vehicle. But admission to the crafties was free, so that kinda made up for it a little bit. Spent another couple of hours walking around and admiring the work others have done. There were a lot of really cute things, and we decided that we really needed to rewalk aisle one to make our purchases. However, when we rewalked the aisle there wasn't anything that really screamed "buy me", so we didn't.

Came home and watched some TV and a dvd of "Double Jeopardy".

Oh - and I forgot to tell Sis - they are having a Halloween chi-li coo-koof at work.

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