Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happiness Is

...sitting on my couch, wrapped in a comforter with my kitty sleeping cuddled up next to me. She didn't enjoy being put into the carrier, and hated the ride in the car. Her visit to the vet went fine (she got her shots updated) but then had to go back in the car. She meowed the entire time. After getting home, she spent quite a while alternating between investigating the apartment and hiding under the bed. She has settled down now and seems quite content. It'll be nice having her on the bed tonight ... although if she is true to form, she'll sleep at my legs so I can't move.

On a not-as-pleasant note, The Boy spent 7 hours in the dentist chair today, having 2 root canals done. Apparently, one of the teeth came out perfectly and the other is being a bit of a problem. He has to go back tomorrow and if the other dentist can't get all the bits out (the tooth broke) he may have to go to a specialist. Poor kid. He did it all awake, too - didn't even have the nitrous. I'm sure that in a couple of days he'll be glad he had it done, but for now he isn't too thrilled.

Watching "A Charlie Brown Christmas" - and not remembering parts of it. I wonder if they changed/added to it? Probably not - just my age kicking in again. OH, wait - this is probably the second one, I think the original is only a 30 minute one and they did another one that I don't care for. I read through the good one, apparently. I should pay better attention to the TV.

I'm also wondering why my shipment from Amazon isn't here yet - it was only about 30 miles away on Saturday afternoon.

And I guess that's about it for tonight.

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