Sunday, June 22, 2008

Spring Has Sprung!

I know, technically it is summer. But, my bud has opened into a cute little flower! I am so proud of it. Unfortunately, I believe the pansy plant is gone forever. Haven't tossed it yet, and I keep giving it a little water, but the hot days have taken their toll. But look at how cute my little flower is!

While reading and computering yesterday, Rafe was having a hard time getting comfortable. He tried sitting, and lying on his back (yes, to use the laptop!), and slumping and just about everything else he could think of. With pillows. Without pillows. He finally found a comfy position for reading ... and, with his permission ... here it is. And no, he is not actually legless. Neither is the piggy. In fact, they each have the same number of *attached* legs.

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