Thursday, December 4, 2008

Nice Talk With The Boss

So, today I was requested to visit my boss in his office. Being the optimistic sort that I am, I figured he was going to tell me "so long, and thanks for all the work". I was pleasantly surprised at the conversation - no, I didn't get a job offer, but he spent quite a while explaining to me that if it were his decision to make I would have been hired long ago, everyone likes me, he hears nothing but good about me and my work (wok??) ethic .... He says that he is still pushing to get me hired full time and would like me to stay as a temp until he can get me hired. All in all, it was a very pleasant chat. He then mentioned that, at this time of the year, he likes to be able to give his employees a small holiday bonus and he considers me one of his team .... and then handed me a check! Man, was I ever surprised. It isn't a huge amount but is definitely more than the ham I used to get for Christmas. Oops - sorry, The Boy, I forgot to order the ham today. I'll send myself an email to remind me to order it tomorrow.

Anyway, that's about all I have for today. Survivor tonight!

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