Sunday, February 24, 2008


SharkBreak™ - Relax. Take a Shark Break!™ - Online Aquarium - Virtual Scuba Diving

This is a link to a cool website sent to me by a friend. You can click on the icons on the right side of the screen to change the background, and click the ones on the right to change your "pet". The "pet", of course, follows your cursor. Have fun!

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Yay for the Faves! That was a very exciting reward challenge, and they barely won. As a reward, they were able to pick 3 items from a catalog; they chose tarps, lighting and "survival gear". Kathy was sent back to Exile Island, and Amy went with her. Amy wanted to follow the clues to the hidden idol; Kathy didn't want to tell her that she and Cirie had already found the four clues last time. The night was extremely stormy and the Fans were miserable. However, they were able to beat the Faves at the Immunity Challenge (boo hiss!) and don't go to Tribal Council.

Most of the Faves have split into two alliances, and all of them are working at getting Cirie to join in. She's getting ticked off at Jonathan and he may be ruining the chances of getting her to side with his group.

I'm sad! They just voted off Yau-Man!

The score is now S = $1.00 and Me = $1.00

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So, this morning I was working on the project for K and E at work. The boss came in and asked me how much experience I've had with collections. I told her, and she said that E hadn't come in or called for the second day in a row (he left at lunch Monday and nobody has heard from him since). She came back a little later and took me to be trained to do collections :-) for Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

Well, the lady in charge of BC/BS helped me re-organize the desk (she didn't like how E had it set up and wanted it all nice for me) and was just having me log in to the BC/BS websites when the boss came back in and said that things had changed, she was going to have L do it instead :-( because she has medical collections experience. So, she gets my nicely set up desk. I went back to the project for K and E (which I finished this afternoon) and tomorrow I'm back at the desk where I started originally. At least I'll have a "set" place for a while. And I will probably be helping L do some collections calls (which I really don't want to do, because I don't really care for her for some reason). Anyway, it was disappointing, to say the least, to have a "promotion" and then an immediate "demotion".

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sitting and watching American Idol -- this is going to be a tough season. Only about half of the top 12 guys have had a chance to sing so far, and I don't have any idea who I'd vote for. They are all very good. Even Simon has been giving out compliments ... Ryan is embarrassing a 17 year old contestant right now.

Still enjoying my temp job. I have to keep reminding myself that it is a "limited time" position so I don't get too comfortable there, but I do wish it would become permanent. Well, I'll just stay as long as they allow me to and then hope I find something I like as well somewhere else!

Got an email from ES; she has sent me something that she made for me. Unfortunately, it looks like it has been returned to her because she didn't have the apartment number on it, so I'll have to wait a little longer for it. Gives me something to look forward to! I love getting presents; especially when it is a non-occasion present. Wonder what it can be.... and last Friday, I received a package from BM -- she sent me a DVD of the 5th Harry Potter movie as a house-warming gift! I was going to watch a mini-marathon over the weekend, but never got around to it. Maybe I'll save it for a rainy weekend.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Well, I survived the day. A small group of people at work have a potluck on Thursdays, and invited me to join them. We had hamburgers, chips, and fruit and it was very good. It was also nice to be included in the group. Then, at afternoon break, the company supplied ice cream and toppings for a little Valentine's Day so-called iced cream social. And then, of course ... it was Survivor night!

There was only one challenge again tonight; a combination reward (fishing gear and a boat) and immunity challenge. The winning team (Yay Favorites!!) got to send someone from the losing team to Exile (they chose Kathy) and then had to choose one of their own members to go, too! Cirie volunteered to go. They received a clue for the hidden immunity idol, which led to another clue, which led to another, and then to another ... it was a big wild-goose chase from Island to Island. Don't know if either of them found it.

And get that Amanda off my Ozzy! (Waaaay too much kissy-kissy going on)

Since the fans lost the challenge this week, the score is now: S = $.50 and Me = $.50
P is hoping that Cirie wins - but we haven't gotten her to join in the betting yet.

Valentine's Day

Just a little "feeling sorry for myself" post .... I think this is the first year I have been Valentine-less since I was 14.

And it is raining. :-(

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Oh, forgot my Survivor post! I am voting for Ozzy on the "faves" team (Yay, Ozzy!) and S is voting for Mikey D on the "fans" team. Coming in to the first challenge, the faves had it made. They had fire, and water, and food, and shelter. Since they'd been there/done that before, they knew how to get things going. Unfortunately, their egos got the better of them and they totally blew it at the challenge. Immunity was easily won by the fans --

It looked for a while like the faves were going to vote off my Ozzy. However, little whiny Jonny Fairplay asked to be "sent home" because he missed his pregnant girlfriend. They obligingly voted him off. The flaw in his plan, though, is that I don't think they get to go home. I'm pretty sure the cast-offs stay away for the full 39 days of the competition.

Anyway, I'm glad that Jonny is gone and even more glad that my Ozzy was safe this time around.

The score is:
S = $0.00 Me = $.50
Well, the lasagne has been eaten, and the company is gone. That's the problem with everyone living so far apart ... Dad and J, and S have to leave early to get home at a decent time. I think they left a little before 7:00. F went home then, too. The kids stayed a little longer but had to get home for The Simpsons. I think everyone had a good time (I know I did). The lasagne was quite yummy, and there is enough left over for my dinner tomorrow. F brought a small cake and a "punkin" pie; he also brought me a box of See's. Anyway, I think the evening was a success!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Well, I have finished my first week on the job, and I am really enjoying it. The work is easy so far, and varied so it doesn't get boring. I'm doing "general clerical" stuff, so there is filing, of course. I've also been making calls to follow up on insurance claims. I really hope that this lasts long enough that it can grow into a permanent position. The company is close to home (about 7 miles, I think) and the people are all friendly. I felt like I fit in on the first day. It is also a very relaxed atmosphere, and the lady with whom I'm sharing an office (for now) has her radio set to KFRG!

Having company for dinner tomorrow - Dad and J, C & P, F, and S. I'm going to make a lasagne and just pick up some cookies or something for dessert. It'll be the first time Dad and J have seen the place, of course. I'll also be able to give them their Christmas presents. I just hope nobody feels uncomfortable ... and I can't wait for the lasagne; it's sounding pretty good right now! :-) I haven't made a lasagne in ages, and it better turn out ok.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Went to lunch today with some of my former co-workers. First time I'd seen them since the separation so I felt a little awkward at first, but got over that pretty quickly. Got to see the pictures that KS took in Maui, and her new wrist tattoo. It's like a Henna bracelet, only permanent.

Got to see the ultrasound pic of CR's soon-to-be grandson (due in 2 weeks). Those pictures have come a long way since the one I had ... you could see all the facial features (he was smiling). It was amazing. CR, of course, is so excited for the baby to arrive; and I'm sure her daughter is ready, too.

Anyway, it was a nice lunch (BB, CR, KS, her husband, and JO). JO even gave me his home number and told me to call him if I ever need anything (furniture moved, or whatever). It was really nice of him.

Monday I start a temp job; it'll be nice to be a productive member of society again.